Monday, May 18, 2009

The boys and their Friends

These pictures are some I have taken with friends of ours that we try to spend time with. Josh and Jessica Rabuck came down a couple weeks ago and had dinner with us. Their children Isaac and Grace are abour Kenan and easton's ages. Josh has been friends with Nick since Middle school and they still try and stay in touch as much as possible.

The twins are Eli and Ethan Shepherd, sons of Alison and Quinn. They are a couple in our small group that have been friends with us for about three years. Ali and I were due two days apart, but her boys were born three weeks before Easton. They are moving back to Indy, so we will miss them, but hopefully we stay connected.

Finally, the cute little girl is Kenan's best friend Isabelle. I have babysat her since she was three months old and they just love each other.

4 1/2 mnths

I can't believe that it is already the middle of May. Time has gone by fast this spring and the boys are getting big. Easton has started really reaching for his toys and playing with them (mostly chewing them, but it is a start). He has started to sit in his exersaucer and seems to like that. He still leans forward some, but if I put blankets around him he can't reach the toys. Since he doesn't seem to mind I just leave it that way. We have been going to the park multiple days out of the week. I think Kenan could live there. Especially the ones with sand. Easton is still a bit little for the swings, but he has gone done a slide on my lap. My parents are getting ready to open their pool, so I'm sure that will be the other thing that will be occupying most of our time. I just have to watch being out in the sun too much.

Easton still has a pretty good schedule. This past weekend has been a little different because he has been waking up multiple times each night( and he didn't even really do that much as a baby), but I think he may be teething. The doctor said it could be soon, and I remember Kenan waking up at night a week or two before I actually felt a tooth.

Last weekend was mother's day and we had Easton dedicated at church. We went up during the service with the other parents, but we also had a private ceremony afterward that was a bit more intimate. We did that with Kenan and I really enjoyed it. It gives your family a chance to be there to support the child and to lift them up in prayer with you.

The next couple of weeks will be a whirlwind, but I am looking forward to them. Kenan's birthday is on Friday and we are having a party for him on Sunday. Nick finishes up school this week, so he will be home next week to help get ready for our trip to California. We leave on the 30th of may to go to San Diego to have a joint vacation with my sister and her husband and daughter. I am getting really excited.