The past couple of weeks have been full of sickness for our family and combined with the constant rain it has been nice to have some sunshine. I taught multiple Truth Talk classes at North last week and that was a stretch for me because I was starting to come down with the illness that has gone through the family. Monday I barely had a voice and was lucky to even have that since I couldn't even talk on Sunday. I felt fine though so I didn't think anything about it. By Wednesday I had a voice again but was starting to feel miserable. Needless to say I had to call Chris and have him teach the last class Thursday by himself. Thanks Chris Chaudoin. I feel so bad because Nick came down with this stuff Saturday. He thought it was his allergies kicking in because he was outside in the yard all Friday, but today he was miserable and had a fever and chills. He has been confined to the bedroom and says he is feeling better and will be at school tomorrow. It is the last two weeks before finals and he is trying to finish everything up. He never gives himself a break.
Besides being sick and being cooped up in the house, I have been trying to get my garden going for the year. It started out well, but hit a stand still a couple of weeks ago. I don't know if it was the rain, my soil, or something else, but the plants I started outdoors kind of stalled and have not grown the way I would have liked. My dads lettuce is already edible and mine has looked the same for a couple of weeks. It isn't dead. It still looks good, it is just barely growing. I have since added some organic fetilizer and feed in hopes that it will help before it gets to hot for those veggies. The transplants on the other hand have had their share of problems as well. Right when it started the never ending cycle of rain I think they were at the point of needing to be either placed out in the garden or transplanted to bigger pots. I didn't want to spend money on more pots or soil so I decided to wait it out and that turned out to be the wrong idea. Everday they started to look worse. Finally I got them transplanted thinking they would turn around. A few have, but the tomatoes just got worse. I don't know if they developed a disease or were just poorly nourished. I ended up going to buy some plants this weekend and pulling up the transplants. It saddens me because last year I was so proud of the fact that my garden turned out great and it was my first year and I had done everything by seed. Oh well. I just hope the new things I planted stay alive. I am really trying to figure out what I need to do, whether it be to the soil, etc. There is a lecture at the library this saturday about vegetable gardening and I plan on going. Maybe my questions will get answered and everything will turn around.
jess i am sorry to hear all the plants looked so good too! I hope they come in and it turns around for you