Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Easton 7 mnths

So 7 mnths have come and gone and Easton is growing up so fast. We went to his 6mnth appt. late, so it was almost 7 mnths when we were at the doctor. At this time he weighed 16 lbs 2 oz and was 27 1/2 in long. Longer than Kenan was and a little lighter. We began introducing vegetables this month, and so far he has had avocado, peas, green beans, and sweet potatoes. Next we will do butternut squash and carrots. He is getting two solid meals a day and is good little eater. For liquid feedings we are down to five. Although there is no crawling yet, his legs are getting stronger so I think he will probably stand next to things before he crawls. He does roll from place to place though. Nick loved being home with him this summer because he really started showing his personality. One thing we are not liking is the temper coming through. He can really lose it if he does not get what he wants. I am trying to stick to my guns and not go soft because he is the second child. It is so much fun seeing him begin to play with Kenan. He loves his big brother and will look all over the place to find him if he can't see Kenan.

1 comment:

  1. he has gotten so big! i remember seeing him in the hospital. i bet josiah is bigger than him LOL
