Tuesday, April 14, 2009

15 weeks

Easton is now 15 weeks old and time is sure going by fast. He is doing more and more every day. For the last two weeks or so he has been sleeping about 9 hours at night. He still has a later bedtime than most babies by this time, but it works for us. He goes to bed around 10 and gets up around 7. His naptime is starting to regulate into longer morning and afternoon naps with more awake time in between. He has been laughing a lot lately and he is drooling up a storm. I have started to use bibs even though I don't like them. I don't want to have to change his shirt all of the time. He also loves to suck on anything. His pacifier, thumb, fingers, whatever, it is always in his mouth. I think he is getting closer to rolling over as well because he is moving side to side a lot more. I know it will still be a little bit, but he is getting stronger. Kenan is excited because he has started holding his toys and playing with them some. Kenan loves to interact with him and he always is saying "I love you soooo much."

1 comment:

  1. Jessica - the boys are so cute. I can't believe how much Kenan looks like a Helm!
