Friday, April 15, 2011

Last Leader Day of Preschool

So, Wednesday was Kenan's last leader day of preschool. I can't believe he is already going to be in kindergarten next year. I have enjoyed going and helping out on leader day, as well as seeing how much he has grown over the last two years. This year since Easton was older he got to come along to all of the leader days. He really enjoyed it. Usually he thinks it is his school as well. I think he is going to be more of the show off though because he already is more outgoing than Kenan when we are there. Kenan is doing so well though, and I can't wait to see him excel next year. (tear for the end of a season)


  1. I'm so glad you're posting again!! You're garden looks great. I have garden envy:)).

  2. love mrs betsy..... miss those leader days, keep the posts coming!
