Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Two Weeks Old

The first two weeks of Langston's life have been great.  She is sleeping fairly well for a newborn with stretches of 3-4 hours at a time at night.  I think you are just used to less sleep with each consecutive kid, so it doesn't hit you as much as that first one did.  If I take away the interruptions, I am still getting 7-8 hours at night.  I don't nap throughout the day when she is sleeping because 1)she is always sleeping 2)we stay pretty busy enjoying summer stuff.

We got to enjoy 4 nights of fireworks over the holiday weekend. Three of them were shows we went to and one was fireworks we set off ourselves. We have been to the library twice, the drive-in, miniature golfing, bowling, and have run numerous errands. Langston just comes along and fits right in. Right now she is still sleeping a lot, although each day she does have a bit more awake time.

Cousin Tenley with Langston

Great grandparents Fern and Bill

My napping family.  Notice who isn't napping?

Staring down his ball.

Easton really got into his shots.

At the drive-in with my sister and her boyfriend and his daughter.


  1. Ahh, I love the pic of Easton and Kenan kissing Langston's cheeks!!! Too cute! I was wondering if having a 3rd child had slowed you down any...I guess not:). I'm impressed!

  2. Oh my goodness Jessica, she's gorgeous!!

  3. Love the pics.... you guys do so much !!! It is inspiring.. love ya girl!
